Falls es jemanden Interessiert, hier ist ein ausführlicher Artikel über die URSA Cine 12K LF, und die URSA Cine 17K 65mm, der in alle technischen Details geht.
https://www.fdtimes.com/wp-content/uplo ... ine-LF.pdfThe new Blackmagic URSA Cine 12K LF is definitely an “A”
Camera. There are lots of things about this Large Format camera
that are Bonzer—Aussie slang for our “Awesome.” Or maybe
Ripper, as in “Excellent.”
The camera landed at FDTimes almost in time for the deadline to
this edition to be missed as words and images kept flowing. Thanks
to Blackmagic Design’s Senior Product Manager Tim Schumann
for all the help, advice and hard yakka. Good on ya!